No more lazy mornings; its back to the morning rush of getting the kids out the door dressed, fed and on time. Time to figure out a way to ease the morning chaos. One thing that works well for us is make-ahead breakfasts or breakfasts that cook while you get ready. Sure theres cereal, but Im not a huge fan of the dried carb filled with sugar (more carbs), then possibly some processed form of nutrients added back in with the claim of a healthy breakfast. Um, no thanks. Ive found some recipes that are delicious and nutritious and easy on the morning time crunch. Yes its true, keep reading you too shall see

Breakfast Potato Bites To Go
Make these over the weekend and pop them into morning breakfast size containers and freeze. Just pop in the microwave or toaster and breakfast is ready in seconds.
Make your own Breakfast potato bites to go

Oatmeal To Go
I've been making this for a couple of years and the kids still go crazy for it. I've taken to doubling the recipe so it lasts longer and freezing into serving size portions.
Make your own oatmeal to go

Swiss Oatmeal To Go
Ran out of Oatmeal To Go Bars? No problem, just prep this recipe the night before and a healthy and simple meal is ready by morning.
Make your own swiss oatmeal

Yogurt Parfait
This is such a simple way to make breakfast and we found a way around not having all the ingredients in the pantry. Just take out some yogurt, fruit and granola (or any variation) and the kids can build their own breakfast.
Make your own yogurt parfait

French Toast Sticks
Instead of standing over the stove waiting to flip and only making enough for one or two at a time. Make them all at once and bake while everyone gets ready for the day.
Make your own French toast sticks

Pancake Berry Muffins
Do your kids like pancakes? Here's a great recipe to make them ahead of time and eat them on the go.
Make your own pancake berry muffins

Black Forest Swiss Oatmeal
A more decadent version than the original, still just as easy to make.
Get the recipe for black forest swiss oatmeal at Parlor Diary

Morning Veggie Bites
Tired of the same old breakfast? Mix it up with these healthy and full of flavor veggie bites that are perfect for making ahead and freezing.
Make your own morning veggie bites

Baked Eggs In Little Bread Bowls
This recipe is so easy her second grader made them while while she was able to get other tasks completed. Even if you don't have a second grader, these are still easy enough to pull of with limited time.
Make your own baked eggs in little bread bowls

Cinnamon French Toast
My kids love french toast, but it can be time consuming to make each morning. My husband did the sweetest thing and made a bunch ahead of time over the weekend and wrapped them individually and froze. That way all we had to do in the morning was grab and microwave for a few seconds and warm, yummy breakfast was ready.
Make your own cinnamon French toast

Banana Flax Bread
I love a good banana bread recipe and this one has the added health benefits of flax. Make a couple of loaves over the weekend, one for eating right away and the other, slice into portions and freeze.
Make your own banana flax bread
Read more from Macki onthe Family KitchenandBeing Pregnant!
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More on Family Kitchen:
super fun polka dot food
10 summertime tomato recipes
brownie ice cream sandwich
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