For many children across America, school is beginning its fall semester. In addition to worrying about juggling schedules and completing homework, many parents are also worried about what their kids are eating during the school day. Although school lunch programs appear to be improving across the country, there are many who believe the quality of nutrition in our schools is still below par. So what can we do to make sure our kids make healthy dietary choices during the school day?
According to Dr. William Sears of AskDrSears.com, healthy choices begin with education. The best way to educate our kids about nutrition is by setting a good example at home. Creating a culture of healthy eating from early childhood will help establish good lifestyle and food choices as they get older. The food we give them for breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner will reinforce what they choose to eat when they are in the cafeteria lunch line. The more convenient fast fried food is made available at home, the more likely a child will select similar food at school.The School Nutrition Association website has list of recommended books to help educate children about food and good nutrition. If our children know about the benefits of healthy eating and the pitfalls of unhealthy foods, they may say no to bad food choices when at school.
Parents should also be aware of their school districts policies and how they abide by government nutritional standards. The government or school district may feel that French Fries or tomato sauce on a pizza is considered a vegetable but most parents would disagree. Its important to understand a schools nutritional standards and what kids are being served. The best way to do that is to not only read the monthly menus but to talk with the schools principal or arrange to visit the cafeteria. Nutrition is so important to growing kids and since they spend so much of their young life at school, its crucial to make sure they are getting the nutrition they need during the school year.
To help parents and kids make the best choices, weve put together this list of a few foods your kids should avoid at school and what they could have instead. Although its fine to enjoy that slice of pizza once in awhile, moderation is the key. To see the list, simply view the slideshow.

Beef with Fillers
Schools may choose whether to use controversial beef fillers according to USA Today . Find out what kind of beef your school serves before having your child eat hamburgers or meatloaf . Or make them a meatless lunch by checking out 14 Meatless Meals for Back to School Photo Credit: morguefile.com

Fried Foods
French fries, Tater Tots, Crispy Fried Chicken or Chicken Tenders... TLC . suggests kids avoid these foods that are high in calories and fat and low in nutrition. Have your kids opt for grilled foods or make them these Baked Crispy Chicken Fingers with Apple Fries,/a> Photo Credit: iStockphoto.com

Vending Machines
Many schools have eliminated vending machines. If your school still has them make sure your kids aren't spending money on salty or sugary snacks and sodas. Have your kids make their own healthy snacks 5 Snacks Kids Can Make On Their Own" Photo credit: Istockphotos.com

Chocolate Milk
According to food activist and Chef Jamie Oliver chocolate milk has more sugar than many sodas. Encourage your child to bring or buy regular milk and save chocolate milk for the occasional treat.Or make this Raw Chocolate Shake Photo Credit: iStockphoto.com

Salt-laden chips and processed cheese sauce and low quality beef isn't exactly health food according to TLC If your kids want nachos, make them at home with ingredients you choose by checking out 8 Unique Delicious Nacho Recipes for Your Family Photo Credit: iStockphoto.com

TLC also suggests
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