Superstitions are a weird thing. On the one hand, theyre plainly untrue, which is good because otherwise wed spend half of our GDP on sidewalk repairs to prevent the paralysis of every mother in America. On the other hand, when was the last time you saw a shooting star without going ahead and making a wish just in case? They dont make any sense and we dont believe them, but deep down something in us cant help but abide by them. These little, almost involuntary, actions serve as minute rituals that provide a brief sense of control as we make our way through daily life.
Since so many superstitions aim to imbue common objects with uncommon powers to help or harm us, its no surprise that many are about food and common kitchen items, which are so central to our health and well-being. Here are 20 common and not-so-common food superstitions for you to pretend not to believe in.

The idea that spilling salt is a bad omen that needs to be counteracted by tossing some over your shoulder is probably the most widely-known food superstition and its also one of the oldest dating back at least to ancient Rome where its qualities as a preservative made it a symbol of enduring friendship.
Image: Arnold Reinhold

Myth has it that if your pregnant and craving citrus, you're having a girl. If you've been eating spicy foods, the old wives tale indicates a boy, while sweet food cravings mean it's a girl.
Make blood orange french toast
Image: Brooklyn Supper

Superstition has it that rosemary planted by the doorstep will keep witches away. This one really works we have some rosemary growing by our back door and all the witches that have ever given us trouble have tried to get in the front.
Image: Nataraja

In Japan, it is bad luck to stick chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice as this part of a funeral tradition. Similarly, it is bad luck to pass food from one set of chopsticks to another which mimics a ceremony for placing bone fragments in an urn after cremation.
Image: Maako

Bread and Butter
This ones not strictly food-related, but it mentions food and its really sweet. When a couple or friends are walking and have to separate to go around an obstacle like a pole, they both have to say Bread and butter to prevent something coming between them in life. The idea is that once bread has been buttered, it cant be separated, just like the friends saying it.
Image: Brooklyn Supper

Birthday Candles
Tradition has it that one should make a wish while blowing out their birthday candles. What should you wish for? I suggest wishing for a bunch of money or true love or something in just in case your wish is granted.
Make birthday cake in a jar
Image: Brooke McClay

The belief that an acorn placed in a window will keep lightening out came to America from Scandinavia and is more prevalent in parts of the country that were settled by Swedes and Norwegians. Dont believe it works? Well according to some lady on the internet, she does it and hasnt been struck by lightning yet. Proof positive.
Image: Phyllis Gautier

Apple Seeds
This probably seemed more plausible in the days before birth control, but supposedly, if you cut open an apple and count the seeds that are visible, you will see how many children you will have. I just tried this and apparently have two more on the way. Were going to need a bigger place.
Image: Glenn Bruger

Traditionally, if you drop a fork a woman will soon visit, drop a knife and a man will pay you a visit, and drop a spoon and a child will visit. So, if youre lonely, go dump out your silverware drawer.
Image: Brooklyn Supper

Containers of Food
The belief that you should never, after receiving a container of food, return it empty seems very kind, but really if you could just wash it before you give it back to me, that would be more than enough.
Image: Liz West

There are tons of superstitions associated with parsley. Its unlucky to give as a gift, transplanting in brings a death in the family, if a stranger plants it in your garden you will suffer bad luck, if parsley thrives in a womans garden then she has a weak husband, planting parsley seeds will help a woman become pregnant, and these are just the tip of the iceberg. Whats clear is that parsley has really declined in status in our day, where it is something that comes with your steak for the purpose of later being thrown away.
Image: H. Zell

Sliced Bread
In some circles, it is held that someone who cuts bread unevenly has been telling lies. But since it's so hard to cut slices evenly, I guess we all have.
Image: Klaus Hopfner

I always thought that it was unlucky to eat fish from the tail to the head, but after doing some research, it seems like there is no consensus about which is the lucky end of the fish to start from. One thing we can all agree on is not to start from the middle.
Image: Marisa Garrido

The idea that it's bad luck to let milk boil over seems backwards to me. Anything boiling over seems like a symptom of bad luck rather than a cause. Many cultures have an aversion to boiling milk at all, though, seeing a link between harming the milk and harming the cow that gave it.
Image: Parvathisri

Some believe that a wish made while burning onions will come true. So go ahead and make a wish, especially if that wish is for your house to smell bad.
Image: Brooklyn Supper

It's held in eastern Europe that upon the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, one should hold a silver coin and eat herring for good luck in the New Year. Since I'll also be busy kissing someone, toasting with champagne, and singing "Auld Lang Syne," that might be tough to pull off.
Image: Nicole Cho

The practice of breaking a wishbone to be granted a wish goes back at least to medieval Europe, theres a record of people breaking a gooses wishbone for a wish at a Bavarian feast in 1455. Given the Roman use of birds in divination, though, this one may go back even farther. Whatever the origins, all you need to know is that you should grasp your side of the wishbone as high up as you can without the other person noticing if you want to win.
Image: Petko Yotov

Singing at the Table
If it isnt bad luck, its certainly annoying. So there are at least two reasons to avoid it.
Image: Lorenzo Costa

Loaves of Bread
Some say you should never turn a loaf of bread upside-down after a slice has been cut from it, though I have a hard time thinking of a situation where Id want to do this anyway. Apparently this superstition is rooted in the belief that turning a loaf of bread upside down orients it toward hell, which invites evil. Why this is only the case with bread thats been sliced, Im not sure.
Image: kspoddar

Burned Bones
Apparently burning beef bones foretells poverty, and burning chicken bones foretells scandal. Fortunately, its pretty easy to avoid burning bones.
Image: Mogens Engelund
Image: Liz West
More from Brooklyn Supper on Babble:
8 Simple Ways to Avoid a Fall Food Funk
Is Organic Food Healthier? What You Need to Know About the Recent Study
An Easy Recipe for Crisp and Lemony Broccoli Slaw
Read more from Elizabeth and Brian on Brooklyn Supper.
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