Theres no end to the wives tales that promise everything from curing the common cold with chicken soup to losing weight with cabbage. Many of these longstanding kitchen cures dont work at all, but there are a few that actually deliver many if not all of the healing they tout! Here are 6 home remedies that have withstood the test of time, offering up actual health benefits that you can definitely get on board with!

Peppermint Gum for Road Rage
Don't be a hot head! A study from Wheeling Jesuit University reported decreased feelings of fatigue and anxiety when studying volunteers who chewed peppermint and cinnamon gum while driving. To get in on this cure, grab a pack of peppermint and cinnamon gum and get chewing!
For more details about this study, check out Yahoo Health
photo: sxc.hu

Tea Bags for Stinky Feet
The tannins in tea are believed to contain natural drying and astringent agents, which can nix the perspiration causing stinky feet. To try this remedy at home, boil a gallon of water then toss in 4-5 tea bags. Cool completely before soaking feet for a half-hour.
Read more about this cure from Dr. Oz.
photo: sxc.hu

Yogurt for Bad Breath
Prevention Magazine reports a possible link between yogurt and good breath. Some preliminary research seems to indicate that the live bacteria in yogurt can actually suppress the bacteria which causes bad breath! To try this remedy at home, simple spoon some natural yogurt into your diet daily and start seeing the positive effects!
photo: sxc.hu

Duct Tape for Removing Warts
Duct tape can actually ward of warts! Some experts report results in more than 80% of cases when duct tape is used to treat warts. To get in on this cure, cover the wart with a small amount of duct tape for 6 days, then remove the duct tape and use a pumice stone to gently remove skin off the top of the wart. Then reapply the duct tape, and repeat for 1-2 weeks or until the wart is gone.
Learn more about this cure at About Pediatrics
photo: sxc.hu

A Spoonful of Sugar for Hiccups
Mary Poppins knew what she was singing about! A spoonful of sugar goes a long wayit can actually cure hiccups! In the Doctor's Book of Home Remedies, Dr. Andr Dubois, noted that the "sugar is probably acting in the mouth to modify the nervous impulses." To try on this home cure, place a spoonful of granulated sugar in your mouth when you have the hiccups, then slow suck on it until the hiccups are gone.
Learn more about this cure at Prevention
photo: sxc.hu

Olive Oil for Eczema
Eczema can be more than pesky, it can be painful and hard to treat, especially when the chilly, dry months of winter move in. However, some dermatologists recommend using olive oil to reduce inflammation and increase moisture levels in eczema-prone skin. To try this cure at home, simply rub one teaspoon into each square-inch of affected skin.
Learn more about the healing benefits of olive oil at Prevention
photo: sxc.hu
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